Deeper smart fishfinder chirp + review
Deeper smart fishfinder chirp + reviewGear
At the time of writing this article, I have been using the Deeper Smart Fishfinder Chirp + for over two years. In total, I have made about 80 fishing trips
Fishfinder kit for a small boat
Deeper SonarGear
I will tell you about my fishfinder kit for a small boat. This will apply more to an inflatable boat or kayak and those cases when the boat is bigger but
Backpack for hiking fishing
Ranger 75 l backpackGear
More than half of my fishing trips in recent years, and almost all my fishing trips in previous years, were from the shore. And I had to go to the river
The best braid for fishing reels based on my personal experience
Best braid for fishing reelGear
In this article, I will tell you what I think are the best fishing braids for reel at the moment and how I use them. I fish in fresh water.
Shimano reel braid capacity chart
Shimano Nasci Braid capacityGear
Before you buy a fishing reel, you need to know its capacity. Some people like a deep spool, others a shallow one. Different thicknesses of braided line
Shimano reel diagrams parts lists
The links below allow you to download the necessary Shimano reel diagrams parts lists. I posted these pdfs to help with fishing reel repairs.
How to treat braided fishing line to protect it from freezing
A classic winter fishing question – what should I do to keep the braid and rod guides from freezing up? It didn’t leave me out either.
A Little Tip for the Heat
In summer, I usually take two 1.5-liter bottles of water in my backpack on a hiking fishing trip. I freeze one beforehand. Gradually the ice in the second